Compliance Services 

Kelmar’s experienced unclaimed property professionals are here to help government unclaimed property programs increase the level of unclaimed property compliance through various approaches, including unclaimed property examination services; the State Targeted Assisted Compliance System; compliance training for state auditors, other unclaimed property program officials, and their holder communities; as well as program consultation services.

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Operational and Data Security Controls

We are committed to ensuring that our compliance services meet and exceed industry standards, as well as all legal and regulatory requirements. Our compliance services, associated controls, and information security program are independently audited annually, in accordance with AICPA’s System and Organization Controls (SOC) for service organizations and ISO 27001:2013 standards. Kelmar’s compliance services undergo SOC 1 Type 2 reviews to ensure examination controls remain compliant. We make all corresponding reports available to our clients, and continually engage industry-leading security providers to perform routine tests and comprehensive assessments of our software, controls, and information security practices.

Success in Numbers

  • Examination of hundreds of holders of various sizes and industries, with experience in the analysis of a variety of accounting and recordkeeping systems.
  • Preparation and filing of several thousands of automated unclaimed property reports to Kelmar’s clients.
  • Collectively working hundreds of thousands of hours on multi-state unclaimed property examinations, involving general ledger, securities, and specialty property types.
  • Reconcilement of millions of dollars in securities properties, including properties originating from broker-dealers, mutual fund companies, and stock transfer agents.
  • Collection of billions of dollars in unclaimed property liabilities on behalf of clients and their citizens.

Examination Services

Maximize the return of unclaimed property to rightful owners with the unmatched technical expertise of Kelmar’s compliance professionals to identify, examine, and collect general ledger and securities unclaimed property liabilities attributed to a holder on behalf of government unclaimed property programs.

Beginning in October of 2001, Kelmar established its professional reputation as a leader in unclaimed property compliance services by analyzing and reviewing records of large corporations to identify and collect unclaimed general ledger property. The Company has since expanded its examination services to include securities property types, involving the review of voluminous automated securities data of transfer agents and brokerage houses,  examinations of insurance companies for unpaid death benefits, annuities, and retained asset accounts, as well as other property types.

Having collectively worked hundreds of thousands of hours on unclaimed property examinations on behalf of government unclaimed property programs, Kelmar’s professionals are proficient at working with holder recordkeeping systems and have established protocols for compiling and collecting findings, identifying and resolving compliance issues in a collaborative manner, and securing the confidence and satisfaction of its clients.


Leverage the intelligent data analytics, correspondence management resources and tools, and seamless KAPS® integration of  STACS the State Targeted Assisted Compliance System to increase holder unclaimed property compliance.

To support government unclaimed property programs in their goals of increasing rates of unclaimed property compliance, Kelmar combines its extensive experience providing unclaimed property examination and consulting services, with its technological and operational expertise, to deliver results via STACS. A customizable, holistic solution to encourage compliance, STACS is a proprietary application developed by Kelmar for unclaimed property programs to identify non-compliant holders, perform holder outreach, deliver education, and manage other voluntary compliance initiatives.

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Training Programs

Expand unclaimed property compliance with quality training services for government unclaimed property program staff members and respective holder communities.

Kelmar’s training programs and seminars provide an excellent way for the Company’s experienced unclaimed property professionals to share their knowledge. Kelmar routinely provides training services to assist government clients with unclaimed property administration, including educational training sessions for program staff members and unclaimed property auditors as well as the holder community.

Consultation Services

Increase program efficiency with consultation services on operational best practices, strategies to address industry trends, and the application of relevant laws governing unclaimed property.

Kelmar routinely provides unclaimed property consultation services to support clients in the administration of their respective unclaimed property programs. Such assistance includes consultation on operational best practices, strategies to address industry trends, and white papers on legislative initiatives. In offering these services, Kelmar provides information concerning current compliance challenges, the enforcement and application of relevant state and federal laws governing unclaimed property, and emerging unclaimed property legal issues.


Work with experts so that your program can give your citizens the best unclaimed property experience.

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